Learning Outcome #1

Learning Outcome #1

When looking at my different drafts for Project #2 it is fascinating to see how my revision process has changed since high school. In the past we were never really taught the importance of this writing phase. Even when we did have to revise we did not spend the proper amount of time or effort on it. During this project we were able to spend a good portion of one class to work strictly on revising. I took this class time and really used every minute to make important adjustments to my paper. One major thing that I spent most of that class working on was my paragraph lengths. This is something I have always struggled with as my paragraphs always tend to be too long. I think this is mainly because when I write I am just so focused on getting my ideas down that I do not really think about anything else which results in many errors, including my long paragraphs. This is why revision is so important. In Project #2 specifically, my first body paragraph was very long and just had a lot of information for one paragraph. I spent most of my time that one class working on splitting it into two separate paragraphs. This was not easy, but in the long run made my whole paper a lot stronger.  
